Affordable access to a licensed physician - even if you don't have insurance!

We've partnered with HealthTap to provide BetterWayRx users expanded access to low-cost, convenient healthcare options.

Discuss your symptoms from the comfort of your home. Once you've decided on a treatment, they'll write a prescription that can be filled at any BetterWayRx participating pharmacy.

HealthTap has a network of more than 90,000 U.S.-based, board-certified doctors. HealthTap doctors go through a rigorous training and credentialing program prior to being admitted to the HealthTap network. The doctors who provide virtual visits are U.S.-based and board-certified in primary care.

HealthTap covers Urgent Care for time-sensitive issues like fever, rashes, stomach pain, back pain, etc. as well as Primary Care for ongoing preventative healthcare and managing chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension.